יום שישי, 5 בנובמבר 2010

first post - Our World's worst tattoos!

Welcome to Our Badass World's first post!
If you still don't know what is the purpose of this blog
I'll have to re introduce myself to you!
So, basically in this blog I'll bring everything crazy, weird,funny,shocking and stunning that you've never heard of!
Today we will start with a simple crazy thing-
it's something almost all of us desire, but never know which one to choose..
so now lets see some douchebags who chose something... particular!

Let's start with a guy whose body is always covered
Cheap on shirts

Wait.... what...?

Why would you get a tattoo in a place nobody would ever see

Uh, creative!

Haha this one blew my mind

Lets just say that his belly button was always this dirty

Ok this one is really really disturbing

Who'd kiss you now?

Hahahaha That'd be ironic if this tattoo is on a female's stomach

90% of the site's income comes from..

This one is awesome!!!! I totally ROFL'd when saw this

Ok.. This dude is probably GAY

I wonder how bad his real face looks like

They should've picked him for the protagonist of Avatar

This one is actually cool

Physics much...?

LOL creative indeed

Damn! it looks real... spooky

This one is... Particular... o.0

Lol mario... foot... This tattoo is disturbing and odd at the same time!

So that's it for now guys! i hope you liked it!
In the next post you'll see another genuine cool crazy stuff!
Hope you liked the tattoos haha

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