יום ראשון, 19 בדצמבר 2010

Short and long.. all types

Short people
long people
long living people
and ill not waste time on the short living ones.. :O
and also other short or long stuff to be here!
remember, our blog grants you entrance to all weird and bizzare stuff that you won't usually see!
let's start
Shortest people in the world:
the yet shortest verified person in the world is a male called Gul Mohammed from India who died in 1997 at 57cm.

The two shortest verified twins were Greg and John Rice whose was just 86.4cm
See a video of these two twins here

The next small person is Adiltya Dev from India which is the shortest bodybuilder to be known! just 84 cm!

Funny, isn't it?

Now the list of longest!
The tallest human being ever recorded was an American named Robert Wadlow.
Wadlow died in 1940 when he was 22 years old and was 2.72m tall! (8 ft 11.1 inch)
^Standing next to his brother^
Another not verified tall human was Feodor Machnow a Russian whose height is unknown but was estimated as 282cm (9 ft 3 inch).
he died in 1912.

The tallest bodybuilder(from India) is Dalip Singh Rana whose height is 2.16 (7ft 3inch)

Long living human beings

Longivity is a question of life, and everyone wants it
In this list you can just be jealous or amazed, you choose!

The longest living verified human being was Jeanne Calment from France!
Jeanne died when she was 122 years and 164 days old.
Here's a picture a year before she died
Well some people would not be jealous and prefer to not look the way she did..
She was the oldest verified, but what history and througout it?
Of course they would not be verified, but there's plenty of evidence that people have surpassed jeanne's age!
One of them is Li Ching-Yuen from China who died in 1933, but no one is exactly sure when he was born.
Some people say in 1677, and some people say in 1736.
So he supposedly died at age 197 or 256.. Wow...
heres a picture taken in 1927:

Let's keep on with longivity, but this some we'll show you a new kind of longivity!
The Tallest Man Made Structure in The World
It is called Burj Khalifa and was constructed in Dubai,UAE.
This tower can almost touch the sky! its height reaches up to 8XX meter!! it took them about 3 years or even more to build this tower!
it was officially finished in january 2010.

An amazing video showing the way it looks from the Rooftops

Hope you enjoyed these long-short stuff!
See you soon!

יום שישי, 5 בנובמבר 2010

first post - Our World's worst tattoos!

Welcome to Our Badass World's first post!
If you still don't know what is the purpose of this blog
I'll have to re introduce myself to you!
So, basically in this blog I'll bring everything crazy, weird,funny,shocking and stunning that you've never heard of!
Today we will start with a simple crazy thing-
it's something almost all of us desire, but never know which one to choose..
so now lets see some douchebags who chose something... particular!

Let's start with a guy whose body is always covered
Cheap on shirts

Wait.... what...?

Why would you get a tattoo in a place nobody would ever see

Uh, creative!

Haha this one blew my mind

Lets just say that his belly button was always this dirty

Ok this one is really really disturbing

Who'd kiss you now?

Hahahaha That'd be ironic if this tattoo is on a female's stomach

90% of the site's income comes from..

This one is awesome!!!! I totally ROFL'd when saw this

Ok.. This dude is probably GAY

I wonder how bad his real face looks like

They should've picked him for the protagonist of Avatar

This one is actually cool

Physics much...?

LOL creative indeed

Damn! it looks real... spooky

This one is... Particular... o.0

Lol mario... foot... This tattoo is disturbing and odd at the same time!

So that's it for now guys! i hope you liked it!
In the next post you'll see another genuine cool crazy stuff!
Hope you liked the tattoos haha

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